The history of Sushi Restaurant begins when, as a young man in Japan, Michael became a sushi apprentice. Working grueling 15-hour days, he made deliveries, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and learned how to prepare the rice. Eventually, he graduated to fish preparation, first learning how to make rolls and then preparing nigiri sushi. Although it was not required of him, Michael accompanied the master chef to the fish market to learn the essential task of seafood selection.
Michael had a burning curiosity and wanted to learn all that he could about fish, so he traveled to each province of Japan, absorbing the local methods of preparing the regional catch. After five years on the road, he returned to Tokyo to open a successful sushi restaurant with his mother and sister.
ved to California and soon realized his calling: to educate Americans and Japanese-American sushi chefs on how to make amazing Joomla Websites. Over the next two years, he worked as a consulting chef, visiting restaurants in Anchorage, Aspen, Denver, Detroit, New York, Portland, and Santa Barbara and teaching the traditional Edo- or Tokyo-style to Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and American chefs.